Liz Earle Intensive Nourishing Treatment Mask *Review*

EN: The second Liz Earle product I tried was the Intensive Nourishing Treatment Mask. But first let me tell you about my recent experience with Liz Earle customer service: it's as amazing as the PR department. I just received my second tube of Cleanse & Polish (my first one is coming to an end, you can find my review here) and I was amazed by what I received: along with the 150ml pump (which you can find here) I also received a travel-size 30ml tube of Cleanse & Polish, another muslin cloth and 3 Sheer Skin Tint samples. Isn't that nice of them? They clearly won me as a faithful customer :)

Now on with the review. The mask's target is dry, stressed skin. It is meant to replenish, calm, condition and moisturise skin. 
It is very easy to use: just apply a thick layer all over your clean face and neck, leave it to work its magic for 10-15 minutes and then gently swipe away with a damp muslin cloth.
As you may or may not know, my skin isn't exactly dry (combination with oily ares in the centre of my face and normal to dry in the rest, acne-prone, sensitive and all that jazz), but it indeed is stressed since I've moved to a larger, noisier and dirtier city. So this mask came just at the right moment.
Because I love doing things my own way, I keep it on my face more than 15 minutes, just because it feels great :) Once I even let it sit for the entire night and in the morning I just rinsed my face and it felt smooth and moisturized.
The mask came packed in a similar bag to the one in which the cleanser came, here you can see a photo of the two of them compared. It is smaller and it fits the mask, 1 muslin cloth and even an acne spot treatment if it isn't too big.
I love using it when I come home from a very busy and tiring day, relax on the sofa, maybe read a good book while the mask sinks in and refreshes my face. The smell is great, natural and soft, nothing to bother you.
For my skin it's just the amount of hydration I need, but I don't know if it will be enough for a much drier skin. What I like best about it is the fact that among its ingredients it has Borage Oil, one of my favourite oils for treating bad skin days. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who feels their skin needs special pampering every now and then, I know I do.

RO: Ai doilea produs Liz Earle incercat de mine a fost Intensive Nourishing Treatment Mask. Dar intai de a incepe, sa va spun despre experienta mea recenta cu departamentul de relatii cu clientii al firmei Liz Earle: este la fel de tare ca cel de PR (pacat ca in Romania, mai rar intalnesc asa ceva). Saptamana trecuta mi-am primit al doilea tub de Cleanse & Polish (primul este pe terminate; puteti gasi parerea mea despre acest demachiant aici) si am fost uimita de ce am primit: pe langa recipientul de 150 ml cu pompa comandat de mine am primit si un mini demachiant de 30 ml pentru calatorii, inca un prosopel si 3 mostre de Sheer Skin Tint. Nu-i asa ca a fost tare dragut din partea lor? Cu siguranta au castigat un cumparator fidel.

Si acum sa trec la review. Masca este facuta pentru un ten uscat si supus stresului. Rolul ei este de a hidrata, calma si ingriji tenul. Este foarte simplu de folosit: aplici un strat generos pe fata curata, las-o 10-15 minute pentru a-si face efectul, iar apoi, folosind carpulita incorporata in pachet si inmuiata in apa calduta, sterge-ti fata :)
Dupa cum puteti stii (sau nu), pielea mea nu este chiar uscata (mai mult mixta cu zone grase in centrul fetei si in rest normal spre uscat, ten predispus acneei, sensibil si toate celelalte), dar intr-adevar este "stresat" de cand m-am mutat intr-un oras mai mare, mai aglomerat si in special mai murdar. Asa ca aceasta masca a venit fix la timp pentru mine si, pentru ca imi place sa fac lucrurile in felul meu, o las mai mult de 15 minute pe fata, doar pentru ca ador senzatia pe care o am. O data am lasat-o chiar si peste noapte, iar de dimineata am clatit cu apa calduta fata si tenul era hidratat, nu in exces, fin si luminos :) Masca vine la pachet intr-un saculet asemanator celui de la demachiant, doar ca este ceva mai mic. Mai sus gasiti o fotografie cu cele doua comparate. In saculet intra masca, un prosopel si chiar un tratament de cosuri daca nu este prea mare (cum este crema Brevoxyl).
Ador sa o folosesc cand ajung acasa dupa o zi plina si obositoare, ma relaxez pe canapea, poate citesc o carte buna in timp ce masca imi "repara" tenul obosit. Mirosul este unul natural, deloc exagerat.
Pentru pielea mea este fix hidratarea de care am nevoie o data la cateva zile, insa nu stiu daca asta ar fi indeajuns pentru tenuri ceva mai uscate, ramane doar sa incercati. Ador faptul ca printre ingrediente se afla si uleiul de Borago, unul din favoritele mele atunci cand e vorba de indurat o "bad skin day" (scuzati-mi expresia, dar nu prea am gasit un termen potrivit). Recomand cu toata increderea aceasta masca oricui ii place sa isi rasfete pielea din cand in cand :)

Have a great day!
Sa aveti o seara cat mai placuta!

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