Product description:
A luxurious domed face powder with minerals, slowly baked to provide a dimensional yet natural-matte finish. Provides perfect low coverage. Use to set and fix foundation or as a touch-up throughout the day.
I thinks this is my favourite MAC product ever! I've had it for over a month now and I've used it every day. I can't imagine how I could have used other powders. This is my Holy Grail and it will forever be high up on my list.
I use it in so many different ways, it's so versatile and efficient that I'd rather buy 10 stacks of these to have until I die, rather than purchasing anything else ever again :D
First of all let me say that the "perfect low coverage" it's supposed to have is actually higher, at least in my case. I use it as a powder
to set my foundation, as a touch-up throughout the day after using blotting sheets and even on its own. And let me tell you: this makes a hell of a difference. In my lazy mornings, I just use MAC's Skin Refined Zone Treatment Primer and this on top, applied with a flat-top. It looks fabulous! My skin-tone is evened out, my pores are much much less visible and even my acne scars are half covered. This is constantly in my purse, no matter what!
I'm sure that everybody's heard how good this is, but I just had to add my two cents to the subject :)
And now it's time for a little story. Last week I tried some Vichy foundation samples and my skin broke out. The next morning I was late for school so I had no time for concealing my little monsters. I assumed it was going to be a horrifying day, trying to avoid everyone and be as less visible as possible (yes, I take break-outs pretty badly). So I got to school, I was in the car preparing to turn the engine off, blabla and when I looked in the bag there it was: my saviour. The MSF Natural and a kabuki brush, I don't normally carry a kabuki brush with me so that was quite a surprise, but it definitely came at the right moment. I wasn't expecting the powder to cover my acne, but it did! That's the moment I realized this will be in my makeup collection for ever and ever!
Have a great day and please share with us your Holy Grail story :)
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A luxurious domed face powder with minerals, slowly baked to provide a dimensional yet natural-matte finish. Provides perfect low coverage. Use to set and fix foundation or as a touch-up throughout the day.
I thinks this is my favourite MAC product ever! I've had it for over a month now and I've used it every day. I can't imagine how I could have used other powders. This is my Holy Grail and it will forever be high up on my list.
I use it in so many different ways, it's so versatile and efficient that I'd rather buy 10 stacks of these to have until I die, rather than purchasing anything else ever again :D

to set my foundation, as a touch-up throughout the day after using blotting sheets and even on its own. And let me tell you: this makes a hell of a difference. In my lazy mornings, I just use MAC's Skin Refined Zone Treatment Primer and this on top, applied with a flat-top. It looks fabulous! My skin-tone is evened out, my pores are much much less visible and even my acne scars are half covered. This is constantly in my purse, no matter what!
I'm sure that everybody's heard how good this is, but I just had to add my two cents to the subject :)
And now it's time for a little story. Last week I tried some Vichy foundation samples and my skin broke out. The next morning I was late for school so I had no time for concealing my little monsters. I assumed it was going to be a horrifying day, trying to avoid everyone and be as less visible as possible (yes, I take break-outs pretty badly). So I got to school, I was in the car preparing to turn the engine off, blabla and when I looked in the bag there it was: my saviour. The MSF Natural and a kabuki brush, I don't normally carry a kabuki brush with me so that was quite a surprise, but it definitely came at the right moment. I wasn't expecting the powder to cover my acne, but it did! That's the moment I realized this will be in my makeup collection for ever and ever!
Have a great day and please share with us your Holy Grail story :)
Nu stiu cate dintre voi ati incercat acest produs: MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural, dar eu tocmai l-am ridicat la statutul de Holy Grail. Am sa va zic si de ce. In ciuda faptului ca am pudra de o luna si un pic decat, ma declar 100% multumita de ea. O folosesc in o gramada de feluri si niciodata nu am gasit ceva mai bun pentru tenul meu. Ori o folosesc peste fondul de ten pentru a-l tine in loc, ori in timpul zilei pentru a evita excesul de sebum, ori de una singura.
In diminetile mele lenese prefer sa folosesc un primer de la MAC pentru pori si pudra peste aplicata cu un flat-top, totul arata splendid si nu mai am nevoie de nimic altceva. Uniformizeaza tenul, are o putere de acoperire foarte buna si per total imbunatateste vizibil felul in care arata pielea mea.
Acum sa va zic si o mica povestioara in legatura cu hotararea mea de a-l pastra definitiv si irevocabil in colectia mea de machiaj.
Saptamana trecuta, prinsa de frenezia fondurilor de ten Vichy, am incercat si eu o mostra de Aerateint. Ei bine, rezultatul a fost mai mult decat dezastruos, nu o sa intru acum in detalii, voi rezerva un alt post pentru asta daca vreti. A doua zi, fiind in intarziere, nu am mai avut timp sa imi acopar micii monstruleti. Deja stiam ca va fi o zi proasta, incercand sa evit pe toata lumea si sa ma fac cat mai mult posibil nevazuta. Cand am ajuns in parcarea de la scoala, chiar inainte sa opresc motorul masinii, am mai tras o privire prin geanta. Atunci a venit salvatorul: pudra msf si o pensula kabuki. Desi eu nu tin de obicei pensule in portfard si nici nu imi aminteam cand am pus-o acolo, e clar ca a venit intr-un moment oportun si m-a salvat de o situatie deranjanta.
O seara placuta si mi-ar placea sa aud si povestile voastre referitoare la anumite produse care v-au salvat in momente cheie!
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10 pretty comments
si mie imi place foarte mult, cred ca este unul dintre cele mai reusite produse ale lor.
RăspundețiȘtergereSi eu am aceasta pudra si sunt tare incantata :x
RăspundețiȘtergereAi un tag de la mine. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAh, ce bine suna!:X
RăspundețiȘtergerePacat ca noi astea mai nefericite din Romania nu prea avem de unde sa luam produse Mac. :|
RăspundețiȘtergereDe acord cu tine :)
RăspundețiȘtergere:D Ma bucur sa aud asta!
@Anda Zelenca
RăspundețiȘtergereDa, stiu :(
Eu am avut noroc cu tatal meu care imi ia din aeroport cand mai calatoreste.
ai dreptate; e yummy :)
RăspundețiȘtergere@Mirela Niculai
RăspundețiȘtergere:) Ma bucur ca nu sunt singura care gandeste asa. Desi sunt o gurmanda desavarsita, unele produse de makeup is mai yummy ca cea mai buna portie de paste italienesti :D
Tot caut pareri despre aceasta pudra pentru ca o vreau si sunt decisa sa o iau cat de curand! :)