Dupa cum spuneam in primul post despre MAC imi mai pastrasem niste bani pentru colectia Tartan Tale asa ca ieri am zis sa merg pana la Bucuresti sa imi iau ce mai am de luat. Cand am ajuns la Baneasa, pe la 8 seara,...
30 day challenge: Days 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
luni, decembrie 20, 2010
A picture of you. A picture of you from a year or so ago. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Tell us about your family life. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Go to your dash, look at the last person to...
Romania only:Adela Sirghie si Mos Craciun ne fac o surpriza placuta anul acesta oferind premii Benefit aici Anda Zelenca este un mic "spiridus" al Mosului si ne aduce produse ELF aici Fetelespun.ro ne ofera sansa de a castiga cartea lui Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual...
Inca o data...omenirea ma dezamageste.
duminică, decembrie 19, 2010
Tocmai am ajuns acasa si sunt distrusa.. Acum o jumatate de ora eram pe drum, la volan, tocmai o luasem pe mami de la servici. In fata mea era un matiz rosu. Am vazut ca era un Husky derutat pe marginea drumului si...
Blue Brown Smokey Eye *Tutorial*
miercuri, decembrie 15, 2010
Today's look will be featuring my newest buy, Blue Brown pigment from MAC, which is gorgeous!!M-am hotarat sa fac un machiaj cu noul meu produs preferat: pigmentul Blue Brown de la MAC.The photos don't do it justice.Other things I used for this tutorial:Restul...
Experienta mea cu MAC Romania + haul
marți, decembrie 14, 2010
In weekend am dat o fuga pana la Bucuresti cu gandul de a cheltui ceva bani pe la MAC. De cand am aflat ca se deschide si la noi m-am apucat de strans :D Dupa ce citisem parerile Camelcutzei si ale Epuricai, nu prea...
30 day challenge: Day 10 & 11
duminică, decembrie 12, 2010
A picture of you. A picture of you from a year or so ago. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Tell us about your family life. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Go to your dash, look at the last person to...
30 day challenge: Day 8 & 9
vineri, decembrie 10, 2010
A picture of you. A picture of you from a year or so ago. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Tell us about your family life. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Go to your dash, look at the last person to...
30 day challenge: Day 7
miercuri, decembrie 08, 2010
A picture of you. A picture of you from a year or so ago. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Tell us about your family life. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Go to your dash, look at the last person to...
30 day challenge: Day 6
marți, decembrie 07, 2010
A picture of you. A picture of you from a year or so ago. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Tell us about your family life. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Go to your dash, look at the last person to...
30 day challenge: Day 5
luni, decembrie 06, 2010
1. A picture of you. 2. A picture of you from a year or so ago. 3. Sum yourself up in about 100 words. 4. Tell us about your family life. 5. Take some pictures of your bedroom. Here you go: Please excuse...
30 day challenge: Day 4
duminică, decembrie 05, 2010
1.A picture of you. 2.A picture of you from a year or so ago. 3.Sum yourself up in about 100 words. 4.Tell us about your family life. Well, I'm very thankful for the family I have. My parents are amazing, I never wished...
Dm Haul + Adela Sirghie Benefit Giveaway
sâmbătă, decembrie 04, 2010
Ieri, am dat o fuga pana in Dm si mi-am luat cateva produse: un sampon Alverde cu boabe de cafea, doua masti Skinlite pentru mama mea, 2 oje si un lac matifiant. De abia astept sa incerc samponul si sa vad cum se...
30 day challenge: Day 3
sâmbătă, decembrie 04, 2010
1.A picture of you. 2.A picture of you from a year or so ago. 3.Sum yourself up in about 100 words. Stefana is impulsive, somewhat bipolar, loud or dead silent, gets easily excited, is childish, stubborn, an incurable optimist, always tries to see...
Principiu de viață: dezordine organizată